Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Laying Corner Stones

Corner stones, you know the big large stones that are the first placed when building a large building, that is what I am giving my children. I am trying to teach them the fundamental building blocks of character, a love of learning, and an appreciation of family. Some days are easier than others and quite honestly some children are easier than others. Each one of my children has a different personality, and so far a different learning style.

My oldest nearly 8 now was diagnosed 5 years ago as being on the Spectrum. Autism is not something that describes my child, but something that dictates his life. He is silly, loving, and tries ever so hard to do exactly what you say and to please people. His Autism is very mild, and by mild I just mean that my son can function in a alien world to him. He can speak and express himself although sometimes in funny ways. His biggest challenge right now is his ADHD (or ADD as we aren't sure which it really is yet). He is a visual learner, who is very clever.

My middle son, well he is the challenging one for me. He has always pushed his limits and he has always been a little too smart for his age. This child walked by 9 months, and was speaking in sentences by 18 months. However all that early development stuff has lead him to be a little confused about what he is actually capable of handeling. He is 5 but he thinks he is almost 8 like his eldest brother, yet he is emotionally not ready to handle the things an 8 year old handles. All of this leads to a fair few escalated temper situations. He is a hands on, I can do it myself learner.

My youngest son is a year and half, he has the sweetness of the eldest and the temper of my middle son. He is definatly the baby of the family. Content to be carried, yet not content to be gated into safe rooms. He is not old enough for schooling yet, in the traditional sense. I can see already though that he is a learn by example child.

So this is the begining of our journey on this blog it is not the begining of our homeschool journey as we began that nearly 3 1/2 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I found your blog through SHS (I am Kirji :)). I look forward to reading more from you.
